

Monday morning and Mrs Shearer's walking me around the grounds. We're gone almost an hour.
Remembering Sol's tip, I stop at random places and pick weeds from garden beds, as if I can't help myself, whipping out now and then some recently acquired secateurs and snipping off here and there the heads from dead or dying flowers. Also on occasion I rub some earth between my fingers as if to show that I'm trying to determine soil condition. Then, before lunch, I take Sol's advice and concentrate firstly on the state of the garden bed directly outside the manager's office, weeding, feeding, mulching it, and afterwards noting Mrs Shearer's nods of appreciation, just as Sol had predicted.
She then takes me into her office and stresses the absolute importance of regularly maintaining and manicuring every lawn on the property, for inattention in that department, she says, is something the residents will never fail to notice.